Somewhere in this moment there is a parent singing a lullaby to their child, a lightbeing who has agreed on taking the journey here in this dimension, expressing and re-discovering divinity through human form.
The 5th dimension and transition explained
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
This is a very good video to explain the transition we go through as we grow and learn. The...
Embracing the God Within Us
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
Exploring the Idea of the God Presence Within Each of us has our own idea of God, and perhaps...
Unlocking the Secrets of the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
I have been initiated into the secret ‘Highest Yoga Tantra’ tradition of Tibetan Buddhism where I swore never to...
Has your spiritual journey cost you friends and relationships?
Craig, , My Thoughts, Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
I have noticed, to my surprise initially, that as I work on me, and the understanding of both my...
Pope declares Big Bang and evolution are real
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
In a surprising turn and stance the Pope has stated that the Big Bang and Evolution are real. The Catholic...
A good guided entry to meditation
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
As a follow-up to the meditation post recently, I ran across this eloquently said piece on how to relax...
A physicist explains why souls may exist
Craig, , Quantum Physics, Spirituality, 0
Here is an interesting article written by a well known physicist that dives not exactly into proof of souls...
What is karma?
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
There are many takes and nuances to what Karma is and what it means in our daily lives. I...