Jim Carrey candidly discusses his encounter with authentic Awakening. Recorded at the 2009 Inaugural GATE Event (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment) Video was Shot and Produced by Eckhart Tolle TV.
7 Ways To Stop Leaking & Losing Your Spiritual Energy
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
Leaking Spiritual Energy In the yoga tradition we encounter a fascinating metaphor: it is said that the milk of...
This Is What Highly Conscious People Talk About
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
On In5D, we published an article entitled, “Moving Into 5D, Hidden In Plain Sight,”where Hollywood hid an inspiring message...
Jim Carrey – Energy of Life
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
It’s amazing how Jim Carrey has grown and changed right before our eyes. Even more amazing is when someone...
A good guided entry to meditation
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
As a follow-up to the meditation post recently, I ran across this eloquently said piece on how to relax...
The importance of being alone and feeling alone
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
I came across a nice post about the power and need to feel alone and spend time that way...
How to Totally Relax in Meditation
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
Stop Trying To Relax A lot of people start meditation because they are under the impression that it helps to relax...
Einstein’s view on being a human being
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and...
Finding and living with purpose
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
There is no question that almost all of us have at one time or many times wondered what our purpose...