I’d be curious of what Einstein’s response to this would be.
Many articles and thoughts I have shared up to now address the world of quantum science and how the...
It has been more and more thought, and now proven, that reality doesn’t exist until we are consciously aware...
Einsteins now 100 year old theory that the universe is expanding exponentially since The Big Bang has now been...
This video shows the power and waves that sounds, especially those of a healing nature, have. It’s amazing to...
The long awaited book New Eyes has just been published by Steve Treu. I can’t recommend enough you read...
It has been discussed more and more lately that the notion of time, or what we perceive of time,...
A very interesting and potentially groundbreaking discovery has recently been made in Quantum Mechanics. Researchers at CalTech have been...
Numerous scientists over many years have studied the role of consciousness and how it can directly influence our physical...
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