There is a recent article about photons being able to be seen and measured without actually causing them to be destroyed or quantum collapse. It’s a very interesting read.
A great explanation of Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
A high school junior won a competition with this short video that does a great at explaining Einsteins Special Theory of Relatiity....
At the most fundamental level, matter, energy and information are identical.
Craig, , My Thoughts, Quantum Physics, 0
“The physicists say that the forces of nature come from one fundamental unified field. They do not talk about...
The Parallel Universe Theory
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
The parallel worlds constantly influence one another, researchers claim This is because, instead of a collapse in which quantum particles...
Quantum probabilities and our thoughts
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Below is a link to an article discussing how our thoughts may not be just neurological and biochemical. One...
Quantum mechanics has more proof of entanglement
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
It seems that the “spooky” nature of quantum mechanics as Einstein and others called it was just proved a...
Gravitational waves have been found. A discovery that waited 100 years to be proven
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
One hundred years after Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves, scientists have finally spotted these elusive ripples...
Another step in proving that reality doesn’t exist until you are looking at it
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 2
It has been more and more thought, and now proven, that reality doesn’t exist until we are consciously aware...
The LHC has been powered back up
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Ok folks the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) has been powered back up. They were originally looking for the Higgs...