Just because yesterdays video was so good, here is another for you. Enjoy!
Namaste, Craig
Imagine for a while that you are in harmonious participation with life. You don’t understand the word ‘struggle’ or...
True Meditation True meditation has no direction or goal. It is pure wordless surrender, pure silent prayer. All methods...
Much has been said here and other places on the benefits and importance of meditation. I came across this...
Purusartha Every major religion has a purpose or intent for its followers, and Hinduism is no different. Born from...
My mind has long been lost in search of happiness Without knowing how transient all things are. Seeing the...
1) There is no god Unlike Hinduism or other eastern religions, Buddhism does not have a central god. That doesn’t...
As a follow-up to the meditation post recently, I ran across this eloquently said piece on how to relax...
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