This is the beginning! Well actually it could be the end. Hmmmm let’s call it the middle. This site ,I hope, will become a place to discuss quantum physics and spirituality. There is no right or wrong here. No good or bad. Simply what is. Please enjoy!
The 5th dimension and transition explained
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
This is a very good video to explain the transition we go through as we grow and learn. The...
Another step in proving that reality doesn’t exist until you are looking at it
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 2
It has been more and more thought, and now proven, that reality doesn’t exist until we are consciously aware...
Russell Brand Explains Why We Need A Spiritual Revolution
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
I think this is an interesting time, I think people are once again interested in formulating a different society,...
Everything is energy
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 1
Below is a link to a really well explained article. It shows how what we are understanding in quantum...
10 Life-Changing Quotes From The Hindu Bible, The Bhagavad Gita
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
An ancient Indian book dense with wisdom, the Bhagavad Gita is the most important and beloved spiritual text to...
First photo of light captured as both a particle and a wave
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
One of the interesting things about something as simple as light is that it is both a particle and...
Another universe sitting next to our own?
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
There have been so many breakthroughs and interesting new finds in 2015 that they are still just now being...
Once you learn these 5 brutal truths about life, you’ll be a much better person (according to Buddhism)
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness involves embracing and accepting all the different aspects of life, even if they’re negative....
Excellent! Go Yang Go!