There have been so many breakthroughs and interesting new finds in 2015 that they are still just now being realized. One of which is that scientists believe that they are seeing light from where our universe is touching another. It’s not quite Quantum Physics but it does have a correlation to the multiverse theory. Here is a link to the article.
First photo of light captured as both a particle and a wave
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
One of the interesting things about something as simple as light is that it is both a particle and...
Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
When we look at the weird and wacky world of quantum physics, it can be hard to make sense...
Photons Seen Without Being Destroyed For First Time Ever
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
There is a recent article about photons being able to be seen and measured without actually causing them to...
Quantum decision affects results of measurements taken earlier in time!
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
I have a passion for Quantum Physics and this article demonstrates a big reason why. What we call “The Laws of...
The Strange Link Between the Human Mind and Quantum Physics
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
By Philip Ball 16 February 2017 Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics...
The Big Bang’s missing link has been found
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Einsteins now 100 year old theory that the universe is expanding exponentially since The Big Bang has now been...
Quantum Experiment Shows How “Time” Doesn’t Exist As We Think It Does
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
“We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which...
10 scientific studies that prove our consciousness can affect the world
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
If you have been reading this blog, and anything along the lines of Quantum Physics and spirituality, you have...