I came across this quick little bit of advice and thought I would share. Here are 10 simple tips for staying young from a Shaolin monk. Enjoy and be happy you won’t age as fast now. 🙂
The 12 Buddhist wisdoms that will change your life
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
There are many things that we must learn on this journey we call life. Lots of them have been...
10 Reminders When You’ve Lost Hope
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Hope Sometimes, all we need are gentle reminders that what we’re doing and who we’re striving to be are...
The Awakening
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
A time comes in your life when you finally get…when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity,...
7 Things Buddha Taught Us To Overcome Suffering
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Buddha Taught That Everything Changes There are very few certainties in life but one thing that will remain consistent...
10 Simple Tips For Life-Long Happiness
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
By Matt Caron Happiness is Your Right Happiness is a seemingly elusive thing sometimes. Between the rushing and racing...
7 ways to find your higher self
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Here is a 7 item list of ways to connect to your spiritual side and higher self. It can...
Simple Technique That Allows Us To Let Go Of Negativity
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Pema Chodron has been teaching the principles of Buddhism for three decades. In this practice, she demonstrates a simple...
The 8 Worldly Concerns That Prevent Happiness According to Buddha
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
There is a very interesting and challenging teaching within Buddhism that explains eight different worldly desires that bind you to...