It has been more and more thought, and now proven, that reality doesn’t exist until we are consciously aware and looking at it. For awhile now it was known that at a subatomic level it’s possible for something like a photon to choose between being a particle or a wave. Now more evidence suggests that it wasn’t just the act of observing with a detector that caused the collapse into one or there other. It is actually the consciousness of the person doing the measurements and the awareness of the observation that causes it to choose it’s very reality.
Physicists Created ‘Slits in Time’ and Discovered ‘Unexpected Physics’ in Experiment
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Just when you thought you understood the double-slit experiment scientists have now been able control time in the results...
The universe may not exist
Craig, , My Thoughts, Quantum Physics, 0
While reading this article about the Higgs Boson particle and recent data that shows the universe shouldn’t, and oddly...
Have We Just Figured Out Why Time Moves Forward, Not Backwards
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Griffith University Associate Professor Joan Vaccaro has put forward a suggestion on why there’s a difference between the future and the...
Testing to see if the universe is a hologram
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 1
Is it possible the very world we live in is a hologram? Fermilab is starting up a test to...
A great explanation of Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
A high school junior won a competition with this short video that does a great at explaining Einsteins Special Theory of Relatiity....
Quantum Experiment Shows How “Time” Doesn’t Exist As We Think It Does
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
“We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which...
Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon: A mysterious mindboggling connection
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Ivan It is possible that Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon are mysteriously connected Most of us have...
Another universe sitting next to our own?
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
There have been so many breakthroughs and interesting new finds in 2015 that they are still just now being...
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