Remember that no matter what the media or politicians say we are people living in the same world together....
Archive for category: Spirituality
A place to discuss Quantum Science and Spiritual Enlightenment
I don’t know who wrote the following but the who is truly irrelevant. What is important is the message...
On July 14th 1930 Albert Einstein and Rabindranath Tagore sat town for a talk at his home in Berlin. While...
We go through our lives living as we think we should or what we perceive others think we should....
You know it seems more and more there are gurus and experts on finding your spiritual self and what...
I came across this interesting read about 9 signs you may be a light worker. It does seem to...
Here is a quote from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle I find to be profound and truly...
No doubt about it the world has an innate ability to keep us busy and distracted. There is always...
If you are here on this site reading this then no doubt you are seeking to find and improve...
There are many things that we must learn on this journey we call life. Lots of them have been...
There is no question that almost all of us have at one time or many times wondered what our purpose...
Much has been said here and other places on the benefits and importance of meditation. I came across this...
As a follow-up to the meditation post recently, I ran across this eloquently said piece on how to relax...
There are many interpretations of what exactly meditation is. Most people think it’s the act of sitting somewhere quiet...
It has always been amazing to me how many times the number 11 appears in my life. When it...
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