This is a great 5 reasons why we should learn to always forgive. I think forgiveness is one of the hardest and most powerful things we can do. It’s the way to free our heart and mind from the shackles of guilt, fear, and worry. Once you learn to forgive all, especially yourself, the world becomes so much more colorful and alive. Try it. You might like it.
5 Harsh Truths That Will Empower You
Craig, , Self Improvement, 3
By Seth M Here are five harsh truths that will empower you: There comes a time in everyone’s life when acknowledging...
Secret of life
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
Here is a quote from “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle I find to be profound and truly...
18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama
Craig, , Self Improvement, 1
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the...
Osho, Don’t Use The Word God
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
You may not know Osho or agree with much of what he says but his view on using the...
A physicist explains why souls may exist
Craig, , Quantum Physics, Spirituality, 0
Here is an interesting article written by a well known physicist that dives not exactly into proof of souls...
27 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Eckhart Tolle
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
For this post I can honestly say nothing much needs said. This is a fantastic read and it will help...
7 ways to enhance signs in your life
Craig, , Spirituality, 0
It has always been amazing to me how many times the number 11 appears in my life. When it...
7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out...