This is Eckhart Tolle talking about how to remove the pain and suffering from your days and your life. Find a quiet spot where you can close your eyes and just listen. Take in what he says. Don’t try hard to understand but simply hear and feel what he is saying. It will help.
Change Your Thoughts, Transform Your Health. Using The Power of Consciousness to Heal
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Many people expect a doctor and a pill to cure them of their ailments, ailments that are often preventable...
The Most Popular Mantra On Youtube
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Put this on when you’re just running around going about your day and notice how your mood improves!
4 Powers That May Be Hiding Behind Anxiety Disorders
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Anxiety disorders are commonly associated with being a purely negative thing. It’s no surprise, since anxiety, especially in its...
How To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
By: Luminita D. Saviuc “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” ~ Wayne Dyer If I...
How To Find Yourself Through Your Perception Of Others
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Perception Of Others “We meet ourselves time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life”...
Ways to tackle doubts
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
We all no matter how much we try and strive will have and experience doubts. It’s natural to have...
The “No Problem” way to meditate
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
There is a well written method of meditation written by Jeff Carreira that is easy to start adapting into your...
Lifes forgotten secrets
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
It seems more and more life and living is so complicated. We are always rushing, struggling, competing, and wanting...