When questions such “what can I offer you and what can you offer me” bows down to greater concerns such as “how may our unity, our joined vibration be an Offer of Love to this reality which we chose to enter by our Divine Free Will”. Not that the main mission of the Twinflames is about saving the world within a sugar-coated mind state But rather about keeping it real, here & now. Sealing a soul contract. Consciously joining gifts, thought-creations, silence & the gathered information into 1 LightBody Instrument, in order to dwell in a realm where the Lovers are observing a reality which saves & transforms Itself into a vibration which is remembered as a state known as Home.
– Inanna MidnightSun
How to Love Yourself and Others in This Reality
Craig, , Love, Self Improvement, 0
I had someone ask me today how do you become a more loving person. That may seem like an...
Letter from God
Craig, , Love, Spirituality, 0
Dear One, Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to...
The Order of Love
Craig, , Love, My Thoughts, 1
It is without doubt hard to make our way through this world. It seems doubly hard to do it...
How to Recognize If You Have a Karmic Connection with Someone
Craig, , Love, 0
Have you ever heard of the term karmic connection? Whether we think about friendships or love relationships, there are...
He Won’t Leave Her if She is a Once-In-A-Lifetime Kind of Love
Craig, , Love, 0
“There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald...
How To Let Go Of People Who No Longer Need, Or Want, To Be In Your Life
Craig, , Love, 0
By: Luminita D. Saviuc, Purpose Fairy “Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too...
4 Essential Elements Of Love According To The Buddha
Craig, , Love, 0
Buddha and Love There are so many definitions of love. Just look for quotes over the internet or even...
If You Want to Change the World Love a Man
Craig, , Love, 1
If you want to change the world love a man; really love him Choose the one whose soul calls...