I recently read an article about a man who studied with a Taoist monk and healed his anxieties and stomach issues. This article at first glance seems in some ways obvious and easier said than done. What is interesting is these 9 simple steps and thoughts can bring you more peace and happiness than anything you can buy or feeling another person can give you. Read them and then go back and really absorb what they mean.
30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
Craig, , Self Improvement, 1
As a follow-up to the post 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself I wanted to also list what...
Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter on How to Find Meaning and Purpose in Life
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
“But a man who procrastinates in his CHOOSING will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”...
Discovering love through meditation
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
There is no question love is a truly fundamental and important force in the universe. What we learn as...
The fear of fears
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Without a doubt something we all share is our fears. We all have some and some of us more than...
Love your neighbors as yourself
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
I don’t need to say much about this video. It says all it needs to on it’s own. Watch...
Respond to Evil With Good
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Buddha was well known for his ability to respond to evil with good. And there was a man that...
12 Pieces Of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
When I was little, my grandma had this little green Buddha statue. It wasn’t a statue of the original...
When Things in Your Life Seem Too Much to Handle
Craig, , Self Improvement, 1
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not...