By: Stephen Parato

You came here for a reason, didn’t you?

You can feel it in the depths of your being.

Your life is inconceivably meaningful. You arrived on Earth for a purpose. What that purpose is, you have to uncover (and create) yourself. It’s an epic quest from cradle to grave, and that’s what makes life worth living.

There is a deep yearning within everyone for that deep-seated sense of purpose. When people know what it is, they become an unstoppable force. Absolutely nothing can stand between them and the manifestation of their destiny.

How do you reveal your life’s purpose? I can’t tell you exactly how, as it’s incredibly distinct from person-to-person, but I can provide you with the tools for you to guide yourself along your journey. And your purpose isn’t static either. It may very well change and evolve throughout the course of your life. Heraclitus hit the nail on the head when he said “No man steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

Ask… And you shall receive…

Here are 15 questions to ask yourself, which will set you in the direction of your life’s purpose:

1. What gives me energy?

Activities that align with your purpose will energize you. On the other hand, activities that don’t resonate with your essence will drain you. Be aware and use your energy level as a guide.

2. What excites me?

This is a better question than the lukewarm “What am I passionate about?” Excitement is easily discernible for anyone. And the funny thing is that you find out what you’re passionate about simply by being mindful of what excites you.

“The question you should be asking isn’t, “What do I want?” or “What are my goals?” but “What would excite me?” – Tim Ferriss

3. What kind of ideas come to me in the shower?

The shower is probably the most relaxing part of your day-to-day life. Inspiration strikes when you’re relaxed, as that’s when you’re most receptive. So be aware of what kind of inspiration comes to you while you’re gettin’ so fresh and so clean.

4. What kind of things do people always ask me about?

What kind of advice do others seek from you? This is indicative of the value you can potentially provide to the world at large.

5. What kind of conversations do I have with those closest to me?

What subject matter do you immerse yourself in with loved ones? What information do you share with the people you care about most? What do you talk about when you’re being your true self?

6. What do I do with my free time?

Actions dictate where priorities lie.

7. What topics do I regularly read about?

An obvious way to shine light on your biggest interests.

8. What recurring dreams do I have?

The themes of your dreams will reveal a lot about your subconscious. Search the meaning of dreams to get a better grasp on the esoteric wisdom being conveyed.

9. During which experiences in my life have I felt the most alive?

A different spin on following your excitement.

10. What unique interests, or abilities, did I have as a young child?

If you’re memory is fuzzy, ask your parents for more clarity. This question will reveal a lot about your inherent abilities and your interests prior to societal conditioning.

11. What would I be doing if money were no object?

12. What would I be doing if I absolutely, 100%, did not care about what other people think?

Like the question about money, it’s important to ask yourself what you would be doing if there were no limitations. If you were completely free, what would you do?

13. What is on my bucket list?

What is most important to you? What things, when achieved, will create that deep sense of fulfillment within you? These will most certainly guide you toward your purpose.

14. What topics can I blend together to create my own unique niche?

How can you commix multiple subjects to create your own unique mosaic of life? A great example that James Altucher used was someone who loves both basketball and statistics. If they don’t make it to the NBA (which will be the vast majority of people), they can blend their interests of basketball and statistics to create their own unique amalgamation of mastery.

15. If I were to write a short (1-2 sentence) “About Me”, describing the ideal version of myself, what would it be?

I’ve been asking myself these questions repeatedly for some time now. What have they revealed so far? Well, all signs point to writing and poetry being a major part of my life purpose (for this chapter of my life, at least). Why? Because I’m fascinated by the intricacies of the English language. I also have a sick obsession with super-lyrical hip-hop (like this) and a burning desire to read, like all of the books in the world are about to get the Library of Alexandria treatment. Plus, the act of writing itself excites me. That’s why I’m able to practice every day, sparking new ideas and catalyzing continuous improvement. Combine that with my vast array of additional interests (health, fitness, spirituality, meditation, philosophy, psychology, self-improvement, history, lifehacking, hiking, travel and cooking, to name a few) and I have a staggering stockpile of raw material to distill into digestible poetry and prose. I figured out that everything I enjoy “absorbing” contributes to the skill of writing. So that’s why I do what I do.

Consistently ask yourself these revelatory questions and you will uncover your life purpose, as well as help bring it to fruition.

With more power than your mind conceives
You came here for a reason
You are a healer, believe
Earth is calling for a new season
Instate this miraculous age
Create a spectacular page
In the book of love and life
Lightheartedly rise above the strife
For your essence is essential
Please, step into your true potential

Have fun on your quest called life.



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