5 Warning Signs From Your Higher Self You Should Never Ignore 

Never ignore these signs from your higher self!

We all have intuitive powers, or higher vibrations, that help guide us throughout our lives. It’s also been referred to as a “little voice,” or “gut feeling.”

Some people feel it more strongly than others, but it’s there in all of us. I’m sure you’ve heard stories about how people have listened to their higher self warnings and how it saved them from a dangerous situation.

Sometimes those messages are subtle and range from just a feeling that something isn’t right to a message that sounds, in your head, as if it’s coming through on a loudspeaker. Either way, intuition is like a muscle. The more you work at developing it, the stronger it will become.

Below I’ve listed 5 warning signs from your higher self that you should pay special attention to.

1. Recurring dreams or recurring synchronicities.

Do you have the same dream over and over again or the same event recurring in your life? Maybe you keep seeing the same person over and over in your city. If so, there is a reason behind it. It’s a message to you, an instruction and sometimes a warning. Look for clues, follow them, and see if you can make sense of the reason this keeps happening over and over.

2. You have feelings or thoughts that don’t make sense.

Have you ever met someone and immediately disliked them for no good reason, then later find out something about them that confirmed your feeling was correct? While it may be perceived at times as an unfair judgement, if you have a certain thought about someone, there must be a reason for it.

That said, you also can’t allow fear to govern your instincts. For instance, you can’t constantly be checking your partner’s phone to see if they’re cheating on you because more than likely you will create that experience from your lack of trust. However, when you have a gut feeling about someone or something just allow it to be and let it play out.

3. You feel like something just isn’t right.

When you have a feeling deep down in your gut that something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. Don’t ignore it. Go with your gut, and follow those hunches. Keep alert, look for signs, seek second or even third opinions until you prove your gut feeling was right or not.

If you find that what you felt wasn’t correct or true, it’s time to do some soul searching to see if you have biases that made you feel uneasy and work to rid yourself of them.

4. You notice signs of alignment.

If you’re living life being true to yourself, signs of alignment from the Universe are frequently presented to you. These signs can be messages from your higher self that you are on the right path. Follow them and you’ll increase the odds of fulfilling your potential.

5. You ignore what your body is trying to tell you.

You have a pesky cough that won’t go away, recurring headaches or a lump that suddenly appears. Whatever it is, you can’t afford to ignore the health symptoms that your body is presenting to you. Our bodies work just like everything else in our lives; if you ignore problems, they will get bigger until you do something about them. Pay attention to the feedback your body is giving you.

Source: Sarah Prout


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