I have a passion for Quantum Physics and this article demonstrates a big reason why. What we call “The Laws of Physics” are merely what we are taught and think we know. Its the sandbox we play in that makes it easy for our minds to comprehend our universe. But really, much deeper beyond our initial understanding, there is so much more to the universe and even our lives than we know. Quantum entanglement is a magical thing that proves just that. Please read the article and feel free to discuss here.
Can matter be made from light?
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
For a long time now we have known when you split an atom, light energy is released from the process....
10 scientific studies that prove our consciousness can affect the world
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
If you have been reading this blog, and anything along the lines of Quantum Physics and spirituality, you have...
First Experimental Evidence That Time Is an Emergent Quantum Phenomenon
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
“One of the great challenges in physics is to unite the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. But...
You are a projection of your consciousness
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Many articles and thoughts I have shared up to now address the world of quantum science and how the...
The Parallel Universe Theory
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
The parallel worlds constantly influence one another, researchers claim This is because, instead of a collapse in which quantum particles...
Albert what say you?
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
I’d be curious of what Einstein’s response to this would be. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240501125809.htm
Testing to see if the universe is a hologram
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 1
Is it possible the very world we live in is a hologram? Fermilab is starting up a test to...
Scientists simulate time travel with photons
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Below is a link to an article which discusses how scientists have simulated time travel with photons. It also...