I have a passion for Quantum Physics and this article demonstrates a big reason why. What we call “The Laws of Physics” are merely what we are taught and think we know. Its the sandbox we play in that makes it easy for our minds to comprehend our universe. But really, much deeper beyond our initial understanding, there is so much more to the universe and even our lives than we know. Quantum entanglement is a magical thing that proves just that. Please read the article and feel free to discuss here.
Proof reality doesn’t exist until you are looking at it
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
It seems John Wheeler’s experiment to prove reality doesn’t exist until you look or measure it has finally been...
How We Fast Forward Memories and Can Learn to Slow Time
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Recently scientists from the University of Texas found a mechanism in the brain that explains how we are able...
First Experimental Evidence That Time Is an Emergent Quantum Phenomenon
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
“One of the great challenges in physics is to unite the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. But...
Why you should be aware of Quantum Physics
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Of course the main focus and topics of this site is spirituality and quantum physics. Both of these have...
Not just our universe but a multiverse?
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
Here is a very interesting article that very nicely explains how, with our new understanding of quantum physics, the...
Think like a scientist and a creator
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
It seems that daily, new evidence from Quantum Science shows that our world is made up of energy and...
Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
When we look at the weird and wacky world of quantum physics, it can be hard to make sense...
Even more evidence the universe may be a hologram
Craig, , Quantum Physics, 0
There is more and more evidence coming forward that the universe may be a hologram. It’s been talked about here and in...