This is a video from a TEDx BayArea. It’s quite an amazing account and very uplifting. What she says rings very true and is a message for us all.
Life lessons from studying with a monk
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
I recently read an article about a man who studied with a Taoist monk and healed his anxieties and...
Master your dream
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
More and more science is becoming aware of what many religions and spiritual paths have always known that life...
These 7 Buddhist monk habits are hard to adopt but they’ll change your life forever
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
What’s the secret to feeling calm and focused? It’s not an easy question to answer. So, why do Buddhist...
Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
When you let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are, what happens...
The Most Popular Mantra On Youtube
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Put this on when you’re just running around going about your day and notice how your mood improves!
10 Simple Tips For Life-Long Happiness
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
By Matt Caron Happiness is Your Right Happiness is a seemingly elusive thing sometimes. Between the rushing and racing...
4 Ways Minimalism Has Changed My Life
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Minimalism I’m not telling you to rent a big dumpster and throw everything away, leaving you with a single outfit...
Be the you that you were always meant to be
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Let us never forget we have a greater purpose than going to work or owning nice things. Be who...