I think many of us have long known or at least suspected that what we think affects our lives and our physical bodies. Now scientists have proven that to be the case and there is an immediate effect on your genetic makeup by what you think. What’s interesting is it has more to do with your subconscious mindset versus your conscious one. To me that means you can’t just think positive and make it all better. You instead truly have to believe and be your thoughts so your subconscious adapts to them as reality. Think and be positive. You have more control over your world than you can ever imagine.
The importance of being alone and feeling alone
Craig, , Self Improvement, Spirituality, 0
I came across a nice post about the power and need to feel alone and spend time that way...
The Elusive Mystery Of The Ego
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
In your present, individual state of consciousness we identify with the thoughts and emotions that appear in our mind,...
A Key To Happiness May Be ‘Feeling Your Feelings,’ Even The Negative Ones
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
Dealing with our feelings, especially the negative ones, is one of the hardest parts of life, no matter how...
Want to know 9 things that can change your world?
Craig, , Self Improvement, 1
I am always open to anything that can help me look at life in a new and better way....
8 Great Life Teachings From Yoda
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
8 GREAT LIFE TEACHINGS FROM YODA FOLLOW THESE LESSONS, YOU SHOULD. Need a life coach? Master Yoda, the ultimate...
7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out...
10 Simple Tips For Life-Long Happiness
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
By Matt Caron Happiness is Your Right Happiness is a seemingly elusive thing sometimes. Between the rushing and racing...
10 Ways To Declutter Your Mind For Clarity, Focus, Peace, and Balance
Craig, , Self Improvement, 0
“Life is as simple or complicated as we make it.” Donna Smallin The dreaded “C” word. Clutter. We all...