Remember when you wanted what you currently have?
A real reminder life is short and needs to be lived
Craig, , My Thoughts, 0
I recently went to a high school basketball game and during the intro of the players, after the national...
How to stop absorbing other peoples negative emotions
Craig, , My Thoughts, Self Improvement, 1
I have always experienced feelings that almost didn’t seem my own. This was especially true in an environment with groups...
It’s a New Year but it’s more importantly a new day
Craig, , My Thoughts, 0
I have been doing a lot of thinking about the coming New Year’s celebrations. You hear a lot of people...
Our Glorious Failures
Craig, , My Thoughts, Self Improvement, 0
As I sat here marveling that I finally managed to get something working I have failed at many times...
Craig, , My Thoughts, 0
Everyone on this journey through life takes a different road and path. Sometimes we get lost. We take wrong...
I bet you’ve never seen a sunset
Craig, , My Thoughts, 1
Now before you think I’m a bit crazy for making such a statement let me explain. When most of...
Decisions Along the Path
Craig, , My Thoughts, 0
Sometimes we are faced with making decisions we don’t want to. There are even times when we make ones...
The universe may not exist
Craig, , My Thoughts, Quantum Physics, 0
While reading this article about the Higgs Boson particle and recent data that shows the universe shouldn’t, and oddly...